Lesson #779 – A Public Service Announcement

October 19, 2010

15 Responses to “Lesson #779 – A Public Service Announcement”

  1. Tim said

    That is so hilarious! You know what a great first name is? Balthazar. I’m going to name my kid that.

  2. Slovthra said

    Oh man you’re a legend. I just love your blog and the idea of posing beside your lessons. Both thumbs way up for you

  3. Rob said

    My wife has an addition to your comic – If you want to call a child by a certain name, make it their first name not their middle name. My wife goes by her middle name, which makes for many awkward instances.

  4. Laurie said

    LOL This is awesome.

  5. TK said

    Regarding the “file under”: (hello, awkward punctuation) I’m all for it.

  6. Rose said

    Did you know that Shel Silverstein wrote a sequel to “A Boy Named Sue”? It’s a little more cynical and adult than the original (which wasn’t out of character for him at all – it cracks me up that most people remember him for his kids’ poems when he actually had a pretty twisted sense of humor). Also, hilarious: http://lyricsplayground.com/alpha/songs/t/thefatherofaboynamedsue.shtml

  7. Riko said

    The same can be said of the opposite. Don’t give your kids generic first names either.

    I know 4 people named John Jones. None of them are related to each other.

  8. Fact.
    My one-year-old roommate’s name is Illyanna. I hope she goes to a school full of hipster children so she’s on a level playing field.

  9. My wife knew a guy growing up named Turley Curd. I actually met him once. I don’t know how his name impacted his development, but I have to think, with a name like that, had he managed somehow to make something of himself I would have heard of him through other channels. I can’t imagine what his parents were thinking.

  10. Adam said

    This needs the, “Doo doo doo dooooooo.” sound at the end.

  11. gess said

    Can be worse but “Marijuana Pepsi Jackson” is pretty high up there on the unfortunate names list ._.


  12. Lewis said

    Knowledge is Power and Power Corrupts. Please consider the consequences of your PSA’s before you blog.

  13. Mattexian said

    And knowing if half the battle! Wait, no, wrong PSA…

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